Global HR trends

Logistics plays a fundamental role in the development of countries all over the world.

The Coronavirus pandemic that hit the planet in 2020 changed the way we work and live. Logistics was among the industries most affected by this change. Now the general public is also aware of the strategic role Logistics occupies, allowing businesses to function and getting goods where they are needed.

This study aims to illustrate the active role of Logistics in the greater economic setting, with a structured overview of the sector, based on the findings of a rigorous study conducted in 6 countries (China, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom).

8.6 T$

Logistics current
global value

9.9 T$

predicted economic
value by 2024


of logistic workers
are satisfied at work


of logistic workers consider 
training very important

Economic Value

A central role in economic systems worldwide

Logistics has always been crucial in the value chain, allowing sustained economic growth in a globalised economy and helping individual countries become more competitive. Recent, dramatic events have exposed this and increased the importance of the sector.

With a global market worth 8.6 trillion U.S. dollars, Logistics has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Forecasts estimate that by 2024 it will have grown a further 10%, reaching 9.9 trillion U.S. dollars, and becoming more critical in the production of physical goods. Two main factors underly this growth trend: rising freight volumes, and the increasing price of logistics services, owing in turn to changes in consumer habits, namely the expansion of eCommerce sales.

trillion $


predicted economic
value by 2024

Labour Market

Lack of general and specialised workers

Currently one of the major issues that logistics companies face across the globe is labour shortage, both in the transport and warehouse sectors. The shortage of workers is a global phenomenon with different causes. Among these, the misconception that Logistics jobs are strenuous plays an important role. Labour shortage does not affect only blue-collar workers, but also key skilled workers. There is widespread difficulty finding specialised labour to support companies’ innovation processes. Qualified personnel that logistics companies currently need most include customer care experts, data analysts, logistics engineers, cyber security experts and other professionals with extensive knowledge of new technologies, like automation technology.

Public Image

A false belief debunked by worker satisfaction

Despite widespread acknowledgement of Logistics’ central role in improving both the economy and society, the industry is still tied to a traditional public image that no longer reflects reality. Logistics is still perceived as a physically demanding sector, where manual or unskilled labour prevails, making it unattractive to a large portion of the population. 
But when asked about job satisfaction the great majority of Logistics employees responded that they were actually happy in their roles.


of logistics workers
are satisfied at work


The need for an effective training policy

In many sectors, and especially amongst younger generations, training is valued over other benefits. To meet the demands of such rapid growth, today the logistics industry needs to use training both to improve the skills of existing employees and as a way of attracting new workers.  Companies are now strengthening their training portfolios, making use of internal and external resources, including public and private institutions, like universities and technical schools.
From a workers’ point of view, the survey reveals that 69% of those employed in the logistics sector consider training and continuous learning very important in order to stay up to date.


of logistics workers
consider training
very important

What to expect from logistics in the future? Read more in the full report, including an industry salary guide.

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