“Through our services we want to contribute, as a key player and on a global basis, to the evolution of the Labour Market and to emphasize the personal and social value of work”. For this reason, we place ourselves daily alongside companies, candidates and institutions, supporting and guiding them in an improvement and development project.
The recently published Annual Report 2021 outlines the progress made towards achieving this mission. The document describes and highlights the performance of our Group over the past year, presenting the financial results and highlighting the improvements implemented and the growth opportunities we have seized.
The economic-financial results of Gi Group Holding in 2021 were the best in our history, with double-digit growth in revenue, which reached more than Euro 3.2 billion, +30.4% compared to the previous year, and positive performance across every foreign country, particularly in the temporary staffing business. Our international dimension is also confirmed by the contribution to revenue from foreign countries, which accounted for roughly 51% of the total.
In 2021, within Gi Group Holding we established a new function called “Digital, Innovation and Analytics”, with a view to designing and developing a Global Digital Transformation plan to be executed in the 2022-2023 two-year period, based on the construction of a Digital & Analytics platform common to all countries in which the Group operates.
The report is, also, an important resource for understanding our business and our strategy, through which we face the challenges of the moment and help our candidates, clients and society to build a successful future.
For more information, you can consult the dedicated page and download the complete Rport.