Our impact on changing lives
Be part of a global Human Resources business where you can make a positive impact and decide which direction your career takes you.
“Give and Get” is an important asset of our employee value proposition. At Gi Group Holding you have an IMPACT on the lives of others and there are many BENEFITS that this can bring to your professional journey.
A shared passion
Learn to thrive
We always want to do better, both as a business and as individuals. Thanks to our global, multidisciplinary setup, you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to opportunities to learn and grow.
You will be trusted to navigate your own career journey, but we will do whatever it takes to help you grow.
Go forward, together
We are proud of our history, of who we are and where we have come from, but we are not finished growing yet.
We think innovatively and act autonomously, we are trusted to take educated risks and encouraged to learn from our mistakes. It means that whatever your role, location or brand, at Gi Group Holding you matter, you are seen for what you contribute and empowered to achieve even more.
Life at Gi Group Holding
At Gi Group Holding, we use our passion, experience and technical skills to help change lives and make the world of work a better place. We are a team that takes pride in sharing our professional and personal knowledge to help support the growth of our colleagues.
Here is what you can expect when you join our Group and become a life changer.
We will make sure you feel like a part of the team through a structured and welcoming pre-onboarding and onboarding experience. You will begin your journey with an e-learning course about our Group. You will meet with strategic stakeholders, find out everything you need to know about us and discover our internal functions and practices at a local and global level.
We recognise your full potential is one of our priorities. That’s why when you join our Group you will have access to global training catalogues to enhance your skills, get opportunities to continuously learn through a digital platform and receive plenty of on-the-job trainings. We have many initiatives in place to help you develop the key competences required in your role and local market, building development plans to help you grow and meet the organisation’s goals too. At the same time, we encourage self-development initiatives.
ROAD, a performance management platform, is used throughout our business to help support the professional development of our employees. Through this model we provide feedback, set career goals, and promote a culture of continuous learning and growth.
We offer flexible and varied career paths to allow you to pursue your passion and interests. You will have the opportunity to progress from any role and grow vertically, within the same business area, or horizontally, exploring a different career path, addressing future business needs and succession planning.

Our Global practices
Gi Group Holding is a global ecosystem of integrated HR services dedicated to evolving the labour market by creating sustainable and enjoyable work environments that help change people’s lives.
We have different Global Practices to support the needs of every client.
Discover more about our Global Practices and find out where you fit in our team.
Your Choices
Crear una fuerza de trabajo capacitada.
Lograr sus objetivos vitales.
Lograr sus objetivos vitales.

En Gi Group, nuestro negocio de contratación temporal y permanente Global Practice, nos inspiran las personas con las que trabajamos. Nuestro objetivo es hacer que el mundo del trabajo sea más agradable para todos y trabajamos para ello facilitando la búsqueda de empleo a los candidatos y ayudando a los clientes a alcanzar sus objetivos empresariales de forma rápida y eficaz.
Ser parte del equipo
El sector del empleo está en constante cambio, por eso nuestro equipo de expertos del sector está siempre al día de lo que ocurre en el mercado de la contratación. Únete a nosotros y construirás relaciones duraderas con nuestros candidatos y clientes de diferentes sectores escuchando sus necesidades, entendiendo sus retos y encontrando soluciones utilizando tus habilidades y experiencia.
Construimos el camino profesional entre directivos y empresas.
Libera tu potencial.
Libera tu potencial.

Forma parte del equipo
Cuando te unes a Wyser, pasas a formar parte de un negocio en evolución que cambia la vida de las personas para mejor. Te conviertes en un socio de confianza y tienes la oportunidad de trabajar junto a compañeros con talento, ayudar a las empresas a crecer a nivel mundial y transformar el sector de la contratación.Dale sentido a tu vida.
Encuentra tu propósito profesional.
Encuentra tu propósito profesional.

Ser parte del equipo
Vemos cada error como una oportunidad para aprender. Por eso, nuestros empleados están capacitados para desarrollar y mejorar continuamente la forma en que hacemos las cosas. A través de la innovación, las grandes ideas y los procesos éticos, nuestra empresa se compromete a tener un impacto positivo en nuestro mercado. Únete a nosotros si buscas una carrera llena de objetivos en la que puedas desarrollar tus capacidades especializadas y de gestión, formar parte de un equipo con talento de profesionales de alto rendimiento y trabajar en un entorno agradable y de colaboración.Darse cuenta de los talentos de los demás.
Alcanza tu propia ambiciónm.
Alcanza tu propia ambiciónm.