Our Commitment
to Society.

CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR first came about as a concept in the 1950s:

“…how companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Being socially responsible means not only fulfilling legal expectations, but also going beyond compliance and investing more into human capital, the environment and relationships with stakeholders…”

Our organisations integrate the following activities within their CSR framework:

• Code of conduct
• Social reporting tools
• Stakeholder engagement campaigns
• Corporate policy implementation, management and certification systems
• Employee volunteering initiatives or charity work
• Partnerships with non-profit organisations

Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is embedded throughout the organisation – in terms of governance, business and engagement. It consists of a series of actions designed to achieve a greater “wellbeing” that endures into the future. Our end goal: to create a balance between economic, social and environmental dimensions.

“…to make development sustainable, ensuring it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs…”

In this context, we take an active business-centric and people-centric approach. Our work is focused on the primary value of the human being, an awareness of the fundemental importance of work for the individual and with a deep respect for businesses as key enabler for the development of society.
Considering this, it is essential we understand the needs of our stakeholders and involve them in the development of our CSR Framework. We use a Materiality Assessment tool to process our stakeholders’ engagement.

Our stakeholders are considered those individuals, groups or institutions, whose engagement is needed to achieve our company mission, as well as those parties with a stake in the company. The main stakeholders are:


Our role in society


Materiality Matrix


Value creation


Sustainable Work


Code of ethics


CSR report