近期,世界就业联合会(WEC)公布了其最新的战略研究项目“The Work We Want”的成果。该项目是WEC携手FT Longitude,以及招聘和雇佣行业的主要商业领袖合作进行的,而我们杰艾控股就是项目组的重要成员之一。该项目成果分为三个篇章,以下是最后一个篇章的第一篇推文,杰艾控股持续翻译转载,与大家一起分享探讨。

The Work Life We Want
Flexibility is now a must-have for workers and employers alike. How can we shape sustainable new models of work that benefit both parties?
As we saw in chapters 1 and 2, the world of work is being transformed by digital technology and demographic shifts.
Those changes are happening alongside another major transformation: our attitudes to work are changing. In the past, we had to adapt our life to fit it in with our work. Today, that script has flipped: we expect our work to adapt to our lifestyle and our life stage. Flexibility is non-negotiable.
And flexibility doesn’t just benefit employees. As explored in Chapter 1, businesses are attempting to be more reactive to changes in their employment needs in the face of strategic uncertainty — and to expand their talent pool, they know they need to offer new ways of working.
Creating and embedding truly sustainable flexibility demands a new paradigm that both offers workers more diverse ways of working and a rewarding experience, whatever their contract – and meets the resourcing and talent needs of business.

Where do we want to work, and when?
In our global survey, most senior executives say that, following the Covid-19 pandemic, employees place as much value on flexibility around where and when they work as on things like pay and benefits. Employers should think carefully about requiring people to return to the office — particularly when workers might feel like pay is falling behind the cost of living.
- 83% of senior executives say that following the pandemic, employees place as much value on flexibility around where and when they work as they do on compensation.
- 83%的高管表示,疫情过后,员工对工作地点和时间的灵活性和对薪酬的重视程度一样高。
But a battle has started between employers and employees, says Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., president and CEO at SHRM. Some major businesses, for instance, have issued five-day office mandates, including UPS, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Boeing.
但SHRM总裁兼首席执行官Johnny C. Taylor, Jr.表示,雇主和员工之间的斗争已经开始。例如,一些大企业已经发布了五日办公令,包括UPS、摩根大通、高盛、花旗集团和波音公司等。
“We expect that we will have some significant employee relations issues. We forecast in our State of the Workplace report that by the end of 2024, 20% of the US workforce will be allowed to work remotely,” says Taylor. “And 80% will be back in the office.”
Other businesses, meanwhile, are experimenting with when their people work — and in some cases are permanently adopting new approaches. One of these is the four-day week. In the UK, 89% of the employers that took part in a significant trial in 2022 were still operating a four-day policy a year later.

How employers can meet workers’ evolving expectations
As employers adjust their approach to where and when work is done, some workers are seizing the initiative and taking control of how they work.
Barry Asin, chief analyst at research firm Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), points to the healthcare sector, where demand for workers has spiked in the wake of the pandemic. “Many of those healthcare professionals are deciding that traditional jobs are not their ‘thing’ anymore,” says Asin. “They’d much rather work on a temporary basis — work for three months and then take three months off and recover.”
全球人员配置和劳动力解决方案研究与咨询机构(SIA)的首席分析师Barry Asin指出,医疗保健行业在疫情后对员工的需求激增。“许多医疗保健专业人员决定,传统的工作不再是他们的‘正职’。”Asin说,“他们更愿意被临时雇佣——工作三个月,然后休息三个月调整状态。”
Bev Matthews, CEO at UK-based educational trust Minerva Trust, says that organisations are losing talent because of their inability to offer flexibility. “If you’re a teacher, you generally need to be in front of a class from 9am to 3pm,” says Matthews. “I know of teachers who have gone to work for the NHS because they’ve been able to do that work at home, for not much less money — and have gained flexibility in how they work. How do we remain competitive when other sectors offer that flexibility and we don’t?”
英国教育信托公司Minerva Trust的首席执行官Bev Matthews表示,由于无法提供灵活性,组织正在失去人才。“如果你是一名教师,你通常需要从上午9点上课上到下午3点。”Matthews说,“据我所知,有些教师之所以去英国国家医疗服务体系工作,是因为他们可以居家办公,也并没有少赚多少钱——而且在工作方式上获得了灵活性。当其他公司提供这种灵活性而我们没有时,我们要如何保持竞争力?”

Flexible careers
Flexibility is not just about whether people want to be on-site or working full time. It’s also emerging in how people think about their work over the course of a career. In our survey, most senior executives say that the idea of a person following one career path in their lifetime has gone for good.
- 82% of senior executives say that the idea of a person following one career path in their lifetime has gone for good.
- 82%的高管表示,一个人一生只做一份工作的想法已经不复存在了。
Instead, many people are likely to follow multi-stage careers, working in different industries and different types of roles. They are also likely to have periods when other aspects of life, such as caring responsibilities or reskilling, are the priority.
This is one of many factors fuelling a rise in people desiring freelance or agency work. Dr Anna Gurun, associate director at UK research institute HSM Advisory, says demand has been created from both sides of the employment relationship. “On the individual side, people want to work in different ways, and don’t want a traditional relationship with organisations. But we’re also seeing the demand coming from organisations themselves, because they have skills gaps they need to fill.”
这就是促使渴望自由职业或外包工作的人数增加的众多因素之一。英国研究机构HSM Advisory的副主任Anna Gurun博士表示,就业关系双方都产生了需求。“就个人而言,人们希望以不同的方式工作,不希望与组织建立传统的关系。但我们也看到了来自组织本身的需求,因为他们需要填补技能空白。”
Real-world voices
The best of both worlds (United States)
Souphak Kienitz was interested in finding a profession that allowed her the flexibility to earn an income while also developing her upcoming clothing brand, Jay Victoria. She was referred to Advent Talent Group, where she was able to openly share her personal and career goals, including her need for flexibility, with her recruiter. This was a welcome change from her previous job search experiences.
Souphak Kienitz想找一个能让她灵活赚取收入的职业,同时也能发展她即将推出的服装品牌Jay Victoria。她被推荐到Advent Talent Group,在那里她可以与和她的专属招聘负责人公开分享个人和职业目标,包括对灵活性的需求。这与她以前的求职经历相比是个可喜的变化。
Shortly after, Advent matched Kienitz with an opportunity as a part-time, temporary front desk receptionist at the Minneapolis Foundation, an organization that promotes civic engagement and community investments. Her hard work and dedication caught the eye of the foundation's leadership, and Kienitz was soon offered the opportunity to work in a full-time capacity as a producer for the foundation's podcast. Her clothing brand is launching soon.
Short-term projects create demand for particular skills. “A lot of the organisations we’re speaking to want specific skills for defined projects that they don’t want to bring in full time,” says Gurun. “So they’re using freelance and contingent talent for that.”
Minerva Trust’s Bev Matthews backs this up. “Our agency partners can offer swift access to someone who can come and teach a class, with the flexibility you get from having a pool of people ready and waiting to go,” says Matthews. “We try to build relationships with certain companies to get consistency and ensure the quality of who we’re getting.”
Minerva Trust的Bev Matthews对此表示支持。“我们的外包伙伴可以迅速找到可以来给学生上课的人,而且你可以灵活地让一大群人做好准备,随时等着去上课。”Matthews说,“我们也正在试着与一些公司建立关系,来确保我们得到人才的质量一致性。”

A framework for sustainable flexibility
Workers and businesses alike can benefit from the flexibility offered by diverse forms of work – but embedding flexibility in a sustainable way requires appropriate and balanced legal frameworks to keep pace with this shift in the employment market.
Recent years have seen policymakers focus on access to social protections for gig workers because of the gaps exposed in existing legislation by platform service providers. In the EU, for example, agreement was reached in March 2024 on a new Platform Work Directive that aims to address misclassification and cut down misuse of self-employment rules by platform work service providers.
Appropriate regulation for diverse forms of work does not only cover digital labour platforms. Luc Triangle, general secretary at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), says that further changes are necessary. “In many countries, agency workers don’t benefit from the same rights and protections as permanent workers,” he says. “Especially when it comes to collective representation.”
对各种工作形式的适当监管不仅涵盖数字劳动力平台。国际工会联合会秘书长Luc Triangle表示,进一步的变革是必需的。“在许多国家,由外包机构提供的员工并没有像企业内正式人员一样享有同等的权利和保护。”他说,“尤其是在集体代表权方面。”

In fact, the latest Regulatory Report from the World Employment Confederation (WEC) found that 85% of reporting countries have national-level regulation on equal pay and/or equal treatment of agency workers. Some variation may be expected however; WEC has argued that differences in industrial relations systems should be respected and that agency workers have different expectations and needs compared to workers holding an open-ended contract.
Regulators need to think about some of the broader consequences of how work is changing, says Stijn Broecke, senior economist at the OECD. “It’s really important to get a legal framework for the changes we’ve seen in workers’ expectations,” says Broecke. “For example, we need to define the rights that workers have to demand flexible arrangements, and the conditions under which employers can refuse them.”
经合组织高级经济学家Stijn Broecke表示,监管机构需要考虑工作变化带来的一些更广泛的后果。“为我们所看到的员工期望的变化来制定法律框架,这真的很重要。”Broecke说,“例如,我们需要定义员工要求灵活安排的权利,以及雇主可以拒绝这些权利的条件。”
Real-world voices
A successful model for responsible and sustainable flexibility (France)
Christine Lenoir works as a production operator at a French biotech company through a CDI intérimaire (CDII). Created in 2014, this “temporary permanent contract” responds to workers’ desire for flexibility while guaranteeing them security and stability. “With the CDI intérimaire, I combine employment security with the ability to perform different roles. All these different work experiences increase my skillset, and therefore my adaptability and employability. I’m so proud of what I have achieved as a career!” explains Christine.
Christine Lenoir通过CDI intérimaire(CDII)在一家法国生物技术公司担任生产操作员。这项“长期的外包合同”创建于2014年,旨在满足员工对灵活性的渴望,同时给予其安全和稳定的保障。“在CDII,我将就业保障与履行不同角色的能力结合在一起。所有这些不同的工作经历都提高了我的技能,从而提升了我在工作中的适应能力和就业能力。我为自己的职业成就感到骄傲!”Christine解释道。
For her employer bioMérieux, the CDI intérimaire offers the chance to develop the competencies of its workforce in the long-run, and to build expertise and resilience in its processes.
对于她的雇主bioMérieux来说,CDI intérimaire也为其提供了一个长期发展员工能力的机会,并在其流程中建立专业知识和适应力。
The CDII combines the advantages of a permanent contract with those of temporary work. Between roles, the temporary workers’ salaries are paid by the agency, thus preventing them from flipping between employment and unemployment. It encourages work agencies to provide personalised follow-up of workers and training to ensure their employability. The temporary permanent contract has been one of the most successful models for responsible and sustainable flexibility in France. In this video, explore the benefits of the CDII for both talent and client.
Rewarding experiences for all
Different legal frameworks mean that employers need to level up the experience of work to provide rewarding opportunities for all.
In our survey, most executives say they feel “fully” or “mostly” able to offer rewarding experiences to agency workers. But only about a third feel “fully” able, which could be the result of barriers created by local regulatory regimes.
Most organisations feel empowered to offer agency workers rewarding experiences

Benefits and development opportunities
The executives in our survey say their organisations offer numerous benefits to both permanent employees and agency workers.
But there are some gaps. One critical gap is often access to training and development: 59% say their organisation offers training opportunities to agency workers, compared with 74% for permanent employees. Agency workers might benefit from diverse on-the-job learning as they switch between roles, but it’s also important to give them access to more formal training. Staffing companies – acting as the formal employer of agency workers – often provide training (as well as social benefits), while bipartite training funds or individual learning accounts can help ensure access to training for workers who do not have a long-term relationship with an end-user company. As the disruption sparked by digital technology and AI increases, upskilling will be key to ensure that agency work remains an attractive and sustainable work option for individuals – and continues to deliver for employers.
Real-world voices
The perfect balance: flexibility & purpose (Switzerland)
Hanane S. worked in the private sector for several years before deciding to shift toward a profession that would be more in line with her values. She posted her CV on an online platform and was contacted by a staffing company for an assignment at an NGO in the humanitarian sector in Switzerland.
Hanane S.在一家私人企业工作了好几年,之后决定转向一个更符合她价值观的职业。于是她在一个在线平台上发布了自己的简历,一家人力资源公司联系了她,希望她到瑞士慈善领域的一个非政府组织工作。
She believes that temporary work, and particularly the flexibility that it provides, allows for entry into sectors where people may not be familiar with their inner workings. She particularly appreciates the relationship of trust and support offered by her employer. As an example, her advisor always contacts her at the end of her assignments to discuss the next steps. The kindness of her advisor makes her feel like an employee rather than a product.
Reflecting on her seven years in temporary work, she values the quality of social benefits offered by it. She has also already taken advantage of the training opportunities provided by the Swiss bipartite training fund for agency workers. “It’s mostly the work environment that matters to me. I would not want to work for a company that is only interested in profit. I would like to continue to work in a position that can always challenge me and where I can perform,” she concludes.
The future of work is more diverse
The jobs landscape will continue to evolve through 2024 and beyond. The backlash against full remote working will gather momentum in some areas, but many employees will continue to prioritise flexibility to balance the role of work in their lives. Employers that don’t meet those expectations by providing diverse options for work might miss out on talent – leaving them struggling as shortages continue.
Fortunately, most executives recognise that the work of the future is more diverse and more flexible, not less. The workforce itself has never been so diverse, nor its expectations so varied and so different from what has gone before. As businesses grapple with a strategic environment defined by uncertainty, rapid technological change and a global talent crunch, the world of work has already moved away from a one-size-fits-all model based on permanent, direct, full-time contracts, to one where more diverse and flexible contracts coexist.
The majority of executives we surveyed – 83% – say there’s a need to build awareness of the diverse types of contracts available to workers today, and to enable individuals to choose what suits them best. However, only 38% of business leaders feel fully empowered to get the optimal mix between diverse forms of work and only 37% consider that they are able to recruit agency workers at the scale they would like.

This creates a need for policymakers to ensure that legal frameworks recognise the value of diverse forms of work, as well as organised and regulated forms of work. Employment law needs to empower businesses to provide rewarding work experiences for everyone, regardless of their employment contract. In some regions, labour market reforms are needed to make it easier for everyone to approach their working life in the way they choose.
The HR services industry has done much to provide economic opportunity and drive social justice by ensuring appropriate treatment, providing transferable and portable rights, and creating safety nets for workers. It will also play a central role in creating work solutions that simultaneously provide the kind of work people want – and meets businesses’ fast-evolving needs.
In the final article, we will explore the Value of Work. Stay tuned for more.