News - 杰艾智库丨职场人工智能的人性化使用方法


The Human Approach to AI in the Workplace
Ningbo, 14/06/2024

近期,世界就业联合会(WEC)公布了其最新的战略研究项目The Work We Want的成果。该项目是WEC携手FT Longitude,以及招聘和雇佣行业的主要商业领袖合作进行的,而我们杰艾控股就是项目组的重要成员之一。该项目成果分为三个篇章,以下是第一篇章的第二篇推文,杰艾控股特此翻译转载,与大家一起分享探讨。

The Human Approach to AI in the Workplace


The rise of AI is game-changing, not only for business but for society as a whole. As its rapid growth continues, however, huge challenges are emerging for everyone involved in managing the workforce.



There are concerns on multiple fronts, from the effect on jobs and skills, to questions around how managers treat employees. Our new global survey of 715 senior executives finds that 80% say talent planning has never been more difficult than it is today, while 81% believe that AI and other disruptive tech will require companies to rethink radically the availability of skills and resources across the workforce. Executives rank digital transformation and the rise of AI among the biggest challenges for talent planning in the next two years.


There are opportunities, too, however: AI offers transformative benefits to employers. Across many industries, it will dramatically boost productivity and help close the skills gaps that employers have struggled with for years. This will be especially significant, given that a retirement wave is set to further shrink the talent pool and create more labour shortages.



“AI has probably come along at the perfect moment from the point of view of this looming demographic shortage of workers,” comments Barry Asin, chief analyst at global staffing and workforce solutions advisor Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA).

“从迫在眉睫的劳动力短缺角度来看,人工智能可能出现在了一个完美的时刻。”全球人力资源和劳动力解决方案顾问机构SIA的首席分析师Barry Asin评论道。


While there are legitimate concerns that AI will make some jobs redundant, over time, most will evolve to incorporate it. In fact, for some professionals that reality is already here – as Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., president and CEO at SHRM points out. “You could be a talented engineer, graduating at the top of your class just a few years ago from a top university, yet much of how you used to code has already disappeared. That’s going to happen in more and more roles”, says Taylor. “It’s not that your job’s going to go away – but it will be meaningfully reconstituted.”

虽然人们有理由担心人工智能会使一些工作变得多余,但随着时间的推移,大多数工作都会逐渐融入人工智能。 事实上,对于一些专业人士来说,这一现实情况已经到来——正如SHRM总裁兼首席执行官Johnny C. Taylor, Jr.所指出的那样。“你可能是一位才华横溢的工程师,几年前以全班第一的成绩从一所顶尖大学毕业,但你以前编码用到的大部分方式已经消失了。这将在越来越多的职能中发生,” Taylor表示,“这并不是说你的工作会消失,而是会有意义地重组。”


Moreover, the application of AI and other new technologies will create new roles. The HR services industry is already seeing huge growth in demand for digital skills needed to help organisations deploy AI. “A whole new set of workers will be needed to do a lot of the data work around AI,” confirms Stijn Broecke, senior economist at the OECD. “AI needs to be trained, it needs to be validated, it needs to be checked. As we need more and more data, this is an area where we might need more workers, and I suspect that a lot of these will be flexible contingent workers.”

此外,人工智能和其他新技术的应用也将创造新的职位。人力资源服务行业已经看到了对帮助企业部署人工智能所需的数字技能的巨大需求增长。“未来需要一些全新的人力来围绕人工智能进行大量数据工作,”经合组织高级经济学家Stijn Broecke证实,“AI需要训练,需要验证,需要检查。随着越来越多的数据被需要,这将是一个可能需要更多人力的领域,我猜想很多灵活的临时工将参与其中。”

A more human approach


HR and recruitment professionals are also beginning to see the possibilities that AI will create in their own field– 84% of senior executives say they are excited by its potential to transform the way we can find and hire talent.


Organisations will be eager to realise these benefits as quickly as possible, but it is essential that they approach them in a responsible way, maintaining human input.



“AI has a lot of potential but we cannot let AI decide when it comes to, for example,  recruitment and evaluation of colleagues and workers,” says Luc Triangle, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). “HR, management and recruitment decisions need to remain in the hands of people, not AI.”

“人工智能深具潜力,但我们不能让其来决定同事和员工的招聘和评价,”国际工会联合会(ITUC)秘书长Luc Triangle表示,“HR、人员管理和招聘决策必须掌握在活人手中而不是人工智能。”


A human-centric approach is at the heart of the World Employment Confederation’s (WEC) Code of Ethical Principles in the use of Artificial Intelligence, which sets out how employers can adopt AI responsibly. It confirms that AI systems used in recruitment and employment should be beneficial to individuals and society as a whole.



As policymakers seek to develop the legal framework for AI, industry leadership is vital. The EU is in the vanguard via its Artificial Intelligence Act – which categorises AI in education and vocational training, and in employment and worker management as being ‘high-risk’. While WEC argues that evaluation fails to properly acknowledge the care being invested in AI use, it recognises that the HR services industry has a key role to play in setting and living up to ethical standards.



“Business must be guided by a human-centred approach,” says Denis Pennel, managing director of WEC. “The people implementing AI must be fully in control, experimenting safely and averting unexpected harm, while striving to improve the lives of individuals and society.”

“企业必须以人为本,”WEC董事总经理Denis Pennel说,“实施人工智能的人必须能够完全掌控局面,安全地进行实验,避免意外伤害,同时努力改善个人和社会的生活。”

Fighting bia


AI can be a powerful tool for helping recruiters and hiring managers set up skills-based hiring strategies, eliminating the potential human bias to seek certain educational credentials or personal demographics.



“AI will help organisations achieve their goals of making talent acquisition and recruitment processes more accessible, reaching into previously-untapped pools of talent,” says Taylor. “AI facilitates us in keeping human biases out of the picture.”

“人工智能将帮助组织实现其目标,使人才获取和招聘流程更容易实现,从而进入以前未开发的人才库,” Taylor说,“人工智能有助于我们排除偏见。”


One of the most important reasons why human oversight must always be maintained over AI-informed decisions, however, is to ensure no bias does carry through into their algorithms, because of the data sets that their systems are trained on.


But Taylor notes it is important to keep these risks in perspective. “My take is that we have significant bias in the workplace and in talent acquisition today,” adds Taylor. “Will AI have bias? Yes. Will it be less than human bias? Absolutely.”



AI is creating huge uncertainty for businesses and for the HR services industry, but it will also be a crucial tool for solving the challenges that lie ahead. Used ethically and effectively, AI promises to create enormous opportunities for people and businesses alike.



The next chapter of “The Work We Want” project will explore “The Missing Workforce”, focusing on the talent gap and analysing why traditional recruitment strategies are no longer fit for purpose and which new workforce management solutions are emerging. Stay tuned for our following series.

The Work We Want研究项目的下一个篇章将探讨“缺失的劳动力”,重点关注人才缺口,分析为什么传统的招聘策略不再适用,以及哪些新的劳动力管理解决方案正在出现。敬请期待!

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